Explore projects
A set of projects aimed at working with usyd datsets. Includes a c++ implementation to read a set of bag + h.264 files and publish them as if it was running live
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This project contains a ROS node that can take a pointcloud and project it into an image. The output is a pointcloud with RGB information, or a pointcloud with UV pixel coordinates
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This project is to perform motion correction on the raw lidar data. This is because the lidar scan takes 100ms to be completed, and during this time the vehicle may have moved. We apply a correction based on the odometry information from the vehicle
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Stitch multiple camera images and generate a 180 FOV image
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Deep encoder from Deep SORT for generating appearance descriptors for images
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This project contains a ROS node that can take a pointcloud and project it into an image. The output is a pointcloud with RGB information, or a pointcloud with UV pixel coordinates
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This package estimates the calibration parameters that transforms the camera frame (parent) into the lidar frame (child)
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A library for transformation with uncertainty. It provides functions such as ego-motion prediction/correction and Gaussian/pointcloud transformation with or without uncertainty.
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This project contains a ROS node that can take a pointcloud and project it into an image. The output is a pointcloud with RGB information, or a pointcloud with UV pixel coordinates
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This project is to perform motion correction on the raw lidar data. This is because the lidar scan takes 100ms to be completed, and during this time the vehicle may have moved. We apply a correction based on the odometry information from the vehicle
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A set of projects aimed at working with usyd datsets. Includes a c++ implementation to read a set of bag + h.264 files and publish them as if it was running live
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A filter used to remove lidar points belong to antennae and vehicle roof.
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Stitch multiple camera images and generate a 180 FOV image