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Lachlan Toohey / Debdocker
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Julie Stephany Berrio Perez / Detectron2_ros
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Program that can generate event messages and store to a bag file. The events are defined in this package. The basic program provided generates event messages when the vehicle starts/stops. These events are then available to be selected by the gui
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Sekonix GMSL Camera Drive for NVIDIA Drive AGX Xavier Developer Kit for DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
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Publish images from all available cameras to RVIZ, only for visualization purpose.
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Extract images from h264 files. Save a new rosbag with images in it.
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A library for transformation with uncertainty. It provides functions such as ego-motion prediction/correction and Gaussian/pointcloud transformation with or without uncertainty.
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This project contains a ROS node that can take a pointcloud and project it into an image. The output is a pointcloud with RGB information, or a pointcloud with UV pixel coordinates
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This project contains a ROS node that can take a pointcloud and project it into an image. The output is a pointcloud with RGB information, or a pointcloud with UV pixel coordinates
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This project contains a ROS node that can take a pointcloud and project it into an image. The output is a pointcloud with RGB information, or a pointcloud with UV pixel coordinates