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Program that can generate event messages and store to a bag file. The events are defined in this package. The basic program provided generates event messages when the vehicle starts/stops. These events are then available to be selected by the gui
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Julie Stephany Berrio Perez / Detectron2_ros
MIT LicenseUpdated -
A set of projects aimed at working with usyd datsets. Includes a c++ implementation to read a set of bag + h.264 files and publish them as if it was running live
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auv-packaging / Debdocker
MIT LicenseBuild docker images suitable for building clean deb packages for Debian and Ubuntu LTS releases.
Builds an image including package keys for the acfr-marine repository.
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This package estimates the calibration parameters that transforms the camera frame (parent) into the lidar frame (child)
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A set of projects aimed at working with usyd datsets. Includes a c++ implementation to read a set of bag + h.264 files and publish them as if it was running live
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Wei Zhou / bonnet
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated