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its / velodyne-master
OtherVelodyne package required for calibration related packages.
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A C++ implementation of UA1-RRT, a path-parameterised RRT method for underactuated degree-one (UA1) systems.
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Example code for communicating with tuatara_server in tuatara package.
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Example code for communicating with tuatara_server in tuatara package.
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Tuatara package: Bounding box detection for multiple image sources based on tkdnn.
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Tuatara package: Bounding box detection for multiple image sources based on tkdnn.
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Alex Zyner / TFSeq2SeqSimple
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Archived 0Updated
Continuous integration (CI) project for https://github.com/acfr/snark/ . Code remains at Github; this project builds and tests that code under Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS.
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Archived 0Updated
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