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Example code for communicating with tuatara_server in tuatara package.
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Stitch multiple camera images and generate a 180 FOV image
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Continuous integration (CI) project for https://github.com/acfr/comma/ . Code remains at Github; this project builds and tests that code under Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS.
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This project is to perform motion correction on the raw lidar data. This is because the lidar scan takes 100ms to be completed, and during this time the vehicle may have moved. We apply a correction based on the odometry information from the vehicle
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Sekonix GMSL Camera Drive for NVIDIA Drive AGX Xavier Developer Kit for DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
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This project contains a ROS node that can take a pointcloud and project it into an image. The output is a pointcloud with RGB information, or a pointcloud with UV pixel coordinates
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Julie Stephany Berrio Perez / Detectron2_ros
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Lachlan Toohey / Debdocker
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Tuatara package: Bounding box detection for multiple image sources based on tkdnn.
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Publish images from all available cameras to RVIZ, only for visualization purpose.